Managing menopause, naturally

A public television series hosted by Maryon Stewart, Founder of Femmar and pioneer of the Natural Menopause Movement.

Watch the latest episodes

Episode 1: The Whys

Episode 2: Hot Flashes

Episode 3: Insomnia

Episode 4: Weight Gain

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The place where you can find more content, live sessions with experts and meet like-minded women sharing their experiences about their menopause and learning how to reduce their symptoms more effectively, naturally.

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If you missed this live sesion- you can watch in the Femmar Community

According to our relationship survey of 650 women, more than half admitted experiencing moderate to severe vaginal dryness and painful sex. Almost 80% had vaginal dryness to some degree during menopause.  

Dryness đź‘€ down there doesn’t just cause painful intercourse. You may not even realize other uncomfortable symptoms are signs of dryness due to hormonal changes as you approach and transition through menopause. 

Our partners helping women live a better second-half of life

We are proud to partner with innovative brands committed to helping women thrive naturally. Maryon Stewart has helped hundreds of thousands worldwide to overcome their menopause symptoms with guidance on lifestyle changes, nutrition, and exercise recommendations. By utilizing natural solutions and and the latest in approved medical technology, we minimize or eliminate uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. We are committed to helping women find relief from hot flashes, brain fog, weight gain, insomnia and more.

Vichy Laboratories

Embr Labs


Meet the Host

Maryon Stewart BEM has more than 29 years of experience studying and working with women experiencing menopause. She has published 28 self-help books and was awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) in 2018. Maryon is also the creator of the Femmar’s Menopause Solution at, which combines the latest medical research and personalized motivational techniques that have been proven to effectively eliminate menopause symptoms.